How can I get healthy green plants in my garden if I live in that place where is very dry climate?

By Gassk at 2020-08-18 01:06:24
Delhi, India
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2020-08-18 01:06:24

How can I get healthy green plants in my garden if I live in that place where is very dry climate? It seems to me that this year we have even less precipitation than usual during the rain. I have no idea what I can do to correct this situation for my flowers and bushes.

2020-08-18 02:56:11

I'm not very experienced in gardening, so this may not be the best solution, but I found in this article description of the soil that helps plants to survive drought better. Since many plants don't have deep contouring system, replacing some of the soil on the surface or if you decide to use the potted method, you can help your plants stay green and healthy longer. In addition, in your case, it would be good to take care of those plants in advance that are more adapted to this climate, that is, you need to get rid of tropical or subtropical plants necouse they are used to receiving a lot of moisture.

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